In the same clinical study there was also the average reduction of 19 % in total cholesterol and 26 % in LDL bad cholesterol. The results are from a study where the survey subjects took 5 g of PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgels with 500 ml water 5 -10 minutes prior to each meal.
The Canadian Natural Factors' PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgels can help reveal the healthy person inside of you. PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgels represent a revolutionary way for helping you to achieve and maintain metabolic health.
PolyGlycopleX, the soluble dietary fibre in PGX is able to reduce insulin resistance and balance blood sugar levels. The soluble dietary fibre forms a gel which slows the absorption of carbohydrates and delays stomach emptying thus minimizing its effects on your blood sugar levels. Sweet and starchy foods have a high glycemic index which causes a sharp rise in blood sugar level and loss of appetite control. PGX lowers the glycemic index effectively by 30 % or more.
Soluble fibre lowers the LDL blood cholesterol by interfering with the absorption of dietary cholesterol in the small intestine. Soluble fibre has also been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Do you think that you had easier to control your feeding habits, especially unhealthy between meal snacking, if you did not have unhealthy food cravings due to up and downs of your blood sugar levels and you would feel fuller longer?
PGX is a soluble dietary fibre which is a complex of natural polysaccharides. PGX helps you to reduce weight in a healthy, balanced way by making you feel full. You are not hungry between meals although you would eat smaller portions. PGX absorps water and stomach fluids much more than other soluble fibres like psyllium. PGX increases the volume of food in your stomach. You have aesier to eat less and lose weight when you feel fuller.
PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgels dose is best to slowly work up. Softgels are taking 15 - 20 minutes before meals with 375 - 500 ml water. In case you have some medications take medication 1 hour prior to PGX or 2 hours after PGX.
Recommended dose for adults is:
Week 1: 1 -2 softgels 3 times daily
Week 2: 2 -4 softgels 3 times daily
Week 3 and beyond: 3 - 6 softgels 3 times daily
Research shows that by taking PGX with water prior to each meal you can stabilize your blood sugar and promote weight loss by reducing food cravings and food consumption.
Buy PGX from this link from iHerb and you are one step closer... Decision is yours.
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